
We catch up for ~90 minutes each fortnight during semester, every second Monday 1-2:30pm in Quadrangle (A14) seminar room S421. Around ~40 minutes is spent on a presentation & chat on an R-related (or adjacent) topic, with the remainder given to honing our new skills or otherwise bringing your own data/problems to work on and ask for a hand if needed. All sessions are very informal, and as much as anything are an opportunity to touch base, enjoy a snack, and hear more about all the cool science and teaching which takes place in the school.

2024: Semester 1

Date Topic Resources
26/02 Tidy projects, data, and code Link
11/03 Data-vis with ‘ggplot2’ Link
25/03 Piping and data wrangling with the ‘tidyverse’ Link
08/04 Version control with Git and GitHub Link
22/04 Meta-analysis 1: searching & screening literature Link
06/05 Meta-analysis 2: models & analyses Link
20/05 codeRs’ choice (TBC) Link